Four applications for phenolic labels

Phenolic labels have been used in a wide range of applications, due to their hard-wearing properties.

There's more to phenolic plastics than just their durability, however. Phenolic labels offer a wide range of benefits that make them ideal for use in a host of situations. 

Look at follwoing four perfect applications for phenolic labels.

1. Electrical Panels

Phenolic labels are the perfect solution for electrical panels. Phenolic labels won't conduct electricity; in fact, it's often used in electrical insulation. 

This means that using a phenolic label for your electrical panels allows you to affix safety warnings without fear of additional risk.

2. Switch Plates

If you need to label electrical switches, phenolic labels are also a perfect choice.

They will offer clear labeling of all your switches in a hardy material that will need very little maintenance. 

More importantly, they won't conduct electricity should anything go wrong with the switches themselves. 

They're also highly scratch-proof, so your labeling will be clear for years to come.

3. Maritime Signage

Phenolic labels are highly water-resistant, and so make them the perfect choice for maritime signage. 

Whether you're looking for signage for a boat or safety signage for your boatyard, a phenolic label will give you years of service without degradation.

4. Machinery Signage

Another great quality of phenolic label is that it is very strong. It is resistant to impact as well as vibration.

This makes phenolic labels perfect for use of machinery, particularly heavy machinery that puts out a lot of vibration.

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